MTJA Associate Members are engaged primarily in public relations and destination marketing within the travel industry, work or reside in the Association’s membership area and have worked regularly with travel media for a minimum of one year. Eligible applicants work for destination marketing organizations (convention and visitors bureaus; state, national or international tourism offices; and statewide travel-related associations) or public relations firms with multiple travel-related clients. Public relations staff at individual tourism attractions are not eligible for membership.
Associate membership provides unparalleled opportunities to develop relationships with award-winning travel writers, editors, photojournalists, reporters, book authors and online content producers who appreciate the Midwest and its many travel destinations. Each conference includes a formal professional development session and a Media Marketplace where Associates interact one-on-one with Actives in 10-minute appointments to pitch story ideas. Additionally, Associate members informally discuss trends, best practices, workarounds and how to vet writers.
MTJA Inc. Associate Members are destination marketing organizations (convention and visitors bureaus; state, national or international tourism offices; and statewide travel-related associations) or public relations firms with multiple travel-related clients within the Association’s membership area. Individual attractions are not eligible for membership. The eligible applicant must designate a staff member who is primarily engaged in public relations and destination marketing within the travel industry, works and resides in the Association’s membership area and has worked regularly with travel media for a minimum of one year to serve as the organization’s representative (Primary Associate) to MTJA, Inc. Member organizations may select an alternate (Alternate Associate) to represent them at any MTJA, Inc. meeting the Primary Associate cannot attend (both cannot attend the same meeting or conference). Alternate Associates pay separate dues. Either may vote on behalf of their organization (one vote per organization, not per member).
Associate Members may designate an alternate to represent them at any MTJA Inc. meeting the Associate Member cannot attend (both cannot attend the same meeting or conference). Alternate Associate Members pay separate dues and do not have voting rights.
Exempt members enjoy the privileges of Associate membership and may serve on most committees; the board of directors; and task forces excluding the Nominating Committee, the Membership Committee or the Membership Renewal Committee. Exempt Members may include state tourism representatives from within our designated 13-state area; representatives of major domestic and international airlines, rail transportation services and international tourism destinations with a base of operations in the United States; and/or travel-related businesses with operations in multiple states. These members are not considered in the Active-to-Associate ratio. Exempt members without an office in our designated 13-state area will not have voting rights and may not serve in an elected position.
Categories of MTJA Associate Members include: